How have you made it through a tough time?

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We want to thank those that left comments (on topic) in our previous post. To those that did pray the prayer, congratulations! If you did not pray the prayer, no pressure, just something for you to really think about and consider.

We ourselves were encouraged by some of the comments left and want to open this posting and ask people to share with us your testimony of how you have or had made it though a tough time. Many people feel like they are at the end of there rope and your words of encouragement may be the thing that gets them through.

Again, please stay on topic. We delete ALL message off topic and those that maybe be too private to post. Your message will not show immediately as they are moderated.

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  • Mary

    My life has been absolute h.e.l.l. for over 7 years now. Being left 100% disabled wiith all the freaky things that happened to me in the accident (being hit by a person with no insurance) all the injuries, all the pain, everything dealt to me in this “hand” that I’ve now got – the medical scares – the results – how it has affected my life and my home – there are no words to describe it all.

    It was the POWER OF PRAYER that saw me through it all.

    No, it has not ended – it is far from over for me – but it is my belief in God and the power of prayer that will help me make it.

    I don’t live one day without pain and obstacles – but our Dear Lord is with me. He dries my tears and I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel – the Light of our Lord.

  • Paulette

    We live by faith, we are examples of faith, when persevering thru trying times. I have come to know that when I can get quiet and silent in my soul, and count the blessings I DO ALREADY have, then I am more at peace thru a hard time. I even write down my blessings in a book, so that I may see them in black and white. You can write a mega list, even if you are at the bottom of the barrel!

    Seek and ye shall find–answers do come where you should go, who to talkt to, possiblities are out there! If we get quiet, open our minds and ask ourselves, ok, where do I go next? Answers DO come to you! Keep the faith. Remember in the hard times…”this too shall pass”. God Bless…:-)

  • Jason Delmar Reed

    I have prayed and ask God for help. He say to me in my heart to help other focus on others who have less than you. Some people dont even have a home to live .I go out on the street and give to the homeless and just talk to them. Can you believe most of them never have anyone just talk to them like real people? It touch me, made me so thankful for the things God has blessed me with, having a roof over my head, a job, food, Im so thankful.

  • Ray S

    In 52 years of blessed life, there are too many times to keep track of that I have seen God answer prayer, if not for me, for others.

    There was a time when I was younger and less experienced in life, foolish in many ways, mistakes were more abundant than air to breath. I was blessed to have a great wife, children, career, home, friends. But God was not first in my life then. Eventually all that was, seemed to be going away, no work,no food, no home, no car, almost no family, friends that were no longer there.
    I went to God when the bottom seemed to have arrived. I had a heart to heart prayer and asked forgiveness for all I had done. It was a long one indeed I tell you.

    Well things did not seem to improve, but God was already in the works for me. I had turned my back to God until my back was against the wall. Looking back today at these times, God was always there, I was the one turning right when left was his will, and left when right was his will, but once I hit bottom, God has my attention. I find that often, when I am not giving God the attention he has a way to get my attention.
    Today, I know with self assurance that God has a plan for each of us. He will bring about good things in his time and in his will. (He provides my needs daily and many times also answers my prayers for my hearts desires with a YES, but other times it is a NO, and I have learned to understand that God has the best plan for my life.

    All I had thought was lost, was given back many fold. It is hard to live in each day, it is impossible to live each day without God in your life. I know God loves me, becasue he gives me trials to test me. He chastens me to help me grow and become better in my life and my relationship with him. He will do it for everyone, if they will ask and accept Jesus Christ.
    I am thankful for this day for this is the day that God has made and I do rejoice and I am glad in it. Oh life is a struggle, but I tell you without a doubt, it is not nearly as much a struggle as life is when you do not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and go without a daily relationship with God.

    No matter where you are in your journey on this earth, God wants to you to be happy and he wants to provide for you, what he asks in nothing of you really, except to do his will in your life. The bible will teach you his will for each of us. Study it, daily.

    I pray for each and every person who does not know God or Jesus Christ. Please embraced what God has to offer in his Son Jesus Christ.

    May God bless everyone who is in need and receives the grace of God through Christ Jesus. Amen.

  • Barbi Fox

    The answer to how do you make it through the hard times is really not a tough question. The answer is the same in the good times…Jesus.
    Being a Christian, I have learned over the last 20 or so years that good times or bad, God does not change. What a comfort that is. His Word to us is unchanging and yet as we learn to lean on him, he shows us more and more of just how faithful He is to His Word. He promises never to leave us or forsake us. Some people in your life are fair-weather people. They are there when times are good and disappear when things get bad. Not so with the Lord. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. He knew our problems before we even have them. He knew the answers before we even had a question.
    Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! Most things in life are flighty, but God’s Word can be taken to the bank… yesterday, today and forever!! Rejoice in these minor afflictions because if you DARE to trust the Lord He will show up and show off on your behalf!! Heaven is never broke, never sick and never far away.
    Want to know how close Jesus is…He is closer than your breath! Call on him, trust him, believe that he can do what he says he can do. You won’t be disappointed!

  • doris smith

    Yes times have been hard, but you make the most of it. You help each other out. You look to the lord and know he is there for you. I got to know my neighbors because of hard times. I live in an apartment building and we each take turns cooking, we make enough for each other. I think poor people help out more than people with money. We give our last penny to help each other out. We know what its like when needs arise and we learn how to survive. We still try to do special things say for birthdays and such, even if its just a homemade card. It does bring you closer to people if you let it. I am a happy person over all, I know things will get better. You cant let it get to you, go learn to be creative and know in the end its all good.

  • Donna Raber

    I have made it thru alot of tough times. I have miscarried children, been molested by my father, been beat up by the men who said they loved me. How did I get thru , I accepted the lord as my savior and pray to him every night to help me thru all my tough times, even when I could not count on my family, I xcan counton him being with me whenever I need him. I also lost my husband of almost 22 years , and my lord and savior kept me from total insanity, it is hard to lose someone you have been with for that many years


  • mariea pilkinton

    I want to first thank you for sharing the gospel of Christ!I have had many rough times in my life….My life began with abuse by parents.Then abuse by a husband of almost 23 years that I am separated from currently.I have had a brother who was murdered in 93 by his own roommate and friend because of METH.He then turned the gun on himself and he died too.In 2000 my father in law took a shot gun in front of me and blew his brains out. Then my son has went to afghanistan and is now on his second tour there.My youngest son is now in prison.But I can say if the Lord hadn’t been there I don’t knowwhere I would be.I now currently go to a baptist church and trying to get my life back on track.I have been in a head on collision almost two years ago.I am on disability now because of my medical issues.The Lord has shown me when there seems to be no way…He makes a way.He has sent many people in my life along the way to encourage and teach me the way I should go.I love the Lord Jesus so much!I am excited to know beyond any doubt that I will spend eternity with Him.!Knowone saidit would be easy to follow Him…life is tough but I am sure glad I have Him on my side.your sister in Christ mariea

  • Ali

    My daughter became ill at the same time as I found out that the mortgagees were pressing to repossess my home the worry was never ending – hiding from the knocks on the door, trying to find the money and strengh to carry on and hide it all from my daughter. Then I was just staring at my daughter and though what a wonderful gift from god she actually was, so I changed my direction and instead of feeling sorry for myself at finding us in this financial position I began to feel lucky . . .

    It has not changed my financial position and no miracle has happened to stop the repossession but instead I am now not worrying everyday and making my daughter ask “Are you Happy?”. I am happy and living each second like its supposed to be lived

  • Chris E

    I became disabled in December of 2007. Since then, I have not worked and therefor have not earned any income. Financially, these are the toughest times I have ever faced. With the help of family and friends, I have not only survived this hardship, but have seen the true beauty in those around me. Although I don’t have much to give, I volunteer some time each week at a local clinic and pretty much just listen to people. Sometimes, that’s all people are in need of; someone to listen. When I reflect back on the stories I hear, I am reminded that everyone faces hardships, they just present in different forms.

    Chris E.

  • Shirley P Harmon

    Thank You For This Opportunity To Share With You How I Made It Through Some Of The Tough Times In My Life. I Have Always Been In Good Health Most Of My Life,
    Only Little Things Like Colds Etc. At The Time, I Guess I Thought It Was Terrible Because I Was Sick. Now When I Think About It, Those Things Are Trivial Now.
    In 2007, I Had A Heart Attack, And In 2008, I Had Breast Cancer. I Have Been A Christian Since I Was 19, So I Knew That God Would Take Care Of Me.
    Last Week, I Read An Article In A Church News-Letter. The Topic Was ( The Doctor Who Never Lost A Case). It Said Jesus Could Have Been A Doctor, But He Never Carried A Medical Bag Or Opened An Office On Main Street, Nazareth. Still Jesus Was A Healer. He Was Known To Say ” I Will Come And Heal Him”( Matthew 8: 7).
    He Healed Children, The Blind Were Made To See, He Cured Palsy, He Caused The Lame/ Maimed To Walk Again, And Cured Those With Plagues. So When I Was Diagnosed With Heart Disease And Cancer, I Prayed That God Would Heal Me, And I Also Told God That I Was Going To Claim My Healing. I Also Had Others Praying For Me.
    I Have Been Back To My Doctors, Four Times To Each One, And They Told Me My Heart Was Doing Great And There Was No Sign Of Cancer. I Thank God Every Day For His Healing.
    If There Is Some One Out There That Reads This, And Are Suffering From Anything
    Like Cancer, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes Or Anything Else. I Would Like To Encourage You To Talk To Jesus About It And Claim Your Healing In” The Name Of Jesus,” And Believe In Your Heart That Jesus Will Heal You. Also Having Others To Join You In Prayer, Like Your Family Or Members Of The Church You Attend.
    I Will Also Keep Everyone In My Prayers, No Matter What The Circumstances May Be.
    Just Remember, Make Your Appointment With The Great Physician. His Office Is Taking New Patients.

    God Bless Each One Of You.

  • Joy Bull

    I was unemployed for nearly 2 years. During that time, while working outside at home, I had an excruciatingly painful neck injury. I had no insurance but desparetly needed accupunture. After 2 months I had depleted all my savings in an attempt to be healed. I also needed to get a job!! One night while crying in pain and praying, I asked God to heal my injury so I could get back on my feet. When I awoke the next morning, I had no pain. God healed me, that was last year and I have not had any more problems to this day. After probably 100 or more resumes I landed a job 4 months ago. God will provide!! He never gives us more than we can handle and never closes a door without opening another. When you think God did not answer your prayers the fact is HE just said NO.

  • Marcos Menendez

    Those who think that the world is a dark place
    are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives.

    Do not let emotions immobilize you.
    View them as choices.

    The fear of not having enough prevent many from seeing
    that they already are enough

    Attachment to being right creates suffering.
    When you have a choice to be right or to be kind,
    choose “KIND’ and watch your suffering disappear.

    Thanks for helping those in need…
    i am sure if i had money to donate or to use for a good cause
    would be like priceless miracles sponsored by the spirit realm.



  • Stephanie Young

    When times are hard our first thing to be done is pray and to see how much we really need God.We might see it as suffering but we are learning to depend on God totally.

  • Bogdan Chalupa

    In the young years I learned from my father a song saying to “ all ways carry good spirit in my hart and carry smile on my face, if Wednesday does not bring what you hope for, remember that Thursday Friday and Saturday might bring what you want”.
    Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery today is a gift, enjoy it.
    What you do today is tomorrow our legacy.
    Receive and pass it on and always remember to be grateful and thy spirit will smile upon us.
    God is good, and listen, to you, to me and to all of us. Speak to God and God will answer.

  • Sheila

    Looking at the natural and at what should be, I don’t know how I make it each month. But looking at it spiritually, I make it by the grace of God. He makes things work out. I don’t see how, but He does it time after time. Late last year I started saying to myself “all our needs are met” and God has met our needs – all of them. I’m still behind on things and looking for money to do this and to do that and to free up money so we can be free, and one day by God’s doing that door is going to open, I’m going to know it’s my door and I’m going to walk in it to new blessings and I will get my house straight and I will remember where I came from, the marvelous works that God did and finally be able to bless others again. I praise God for what he’s brought me through and for where he’s taking me. Hallelujah!

  • Joyce Swigart

    This is only one of many answered prayers. 25 years ago as a new single mom to 2, I was sitting in my car crying after filling out applications all day. As I looked up I realized the parking lot I had pulled into was a church. I walked in I will never forget the feeling that came over me, the peace, and calm. That day I accepted him back into my life. I was so full of joy I cried all the way home happy tears. When I got home I had 2 job calls. Message, have faith and pray. Have to add this one, My son who is 34 accepted Jesus Christ and was Baptized last year, Something I never thought would happen.

    Thank you for all you do.
    God bless each and everyone

  • Pat Hodson

    I cannot survive this life without the Saviours help. I am not always worthy of the blessings He gives me. Times are tough but He is tougher, and tho I can feel completely overwhelmed at what my lifes challenges are, I know I can be a better person with Gods help and with the spirit to giude me.

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