Accepting Request Again

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We have been working hard in the background to make your experience at better.


We have opened the application back up and are now going to be giving you the ability to let us know if you would like to receive an email update regarding the status of your  request. Please, please keep in mind that this is a new process and there may be some challenges we need to iron out with the notification process.


For those of you who have joined us on facebook, we want to say “thank you” for join and for those of you who are participating. If you have not joined us on facebook please do so. However, before you join us please take a moment to learn why we are on facebook.

Why did we setup the page?
Earlier this year we opened what we called the Community Connection. The purpose of the Community Connection was to bring you, our guest together to provide resources and information you may know about that can help others with needs. After months of evaluating the approach on the website, we found that it may work out better to take that part of the website to facebook because there would be a greater chance for someone to find out about the resource they may need.

Additionally, we have plans to do some exciting things using the facebook platform. If you are on facebook, we strongly encourage you to “like” our page so that you will stay up on everything as we will not post everything here on the website.

What our facebook page is NOT for:
1. Making requests for help
2. Complaining and venting
3. Spreading a negative message

If any of these 3 things occur we may ban you from the page all together, so please do not do it.


Thanks again for your patents while we have been updating the changes.

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