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How To Make Money On Demand - Part 5 - Millionaires Money

How To Make Money On Demand – Part 5

By Extra Money Opportunities

Chapter 5: Fear = Failure

Fear Towards Progress


After reading the last chapter you may have gotten a few ideas for things that you could do to make some money. That is good, actually that is GREAT.


It is important not to allow the fear of doing something different cause you to not act on your ideas. I know many, many people that have great ideas for different products or services but they are paralyzed to do anything because of fear. They make excuse after excuse about why they can’t do the project. I listen to the excuses and realize that their issue really is fear.


The Truth About Fear


Have you ever experienced fear?


Of course you have, everyone has at some point in their lives. You may have experienced fear to some degree when you were let go from your job. You probably feared how you were going to pay your bills.

While many will say fear is natural and you can’t do anything about it, I disagree . Fear is taught and becomes a way of thinking later.


If you have children or know someone that does and you are around the child enough, you will understand what I am about to explain. Think about children, they are fearless. A child does not know fear; all they do is pay attention to how the parent or other people that are around them respond in certain situations.

I remember when my daughter was a baby, toddler and even now at age seven how she will look at me and my wife to see how we react in certain situations. Then based off how we would react she would react the same way. Here’s an example: If there are large bees outside our house and my wife or I even appear to be fearful of getting stung, my daughter will respond fearful also. Another exa mple: lets say there is a large dog outside and my wife and I don’t even seem to pay attention to the dog, neither will my daughter.


Start paying attention to young children. Fear is not natural but taught. If the children already seem fearful it is because they have already been taught to fear enough things that their thinking has been programmed and opened to fear.


Once fear is taught, your thinking will then try to teach itself what it should fear based off the information it received during what I will call fear programming. This new education or thinking opens your thinking up to greater fears.


The Bible teaches us that God did not give us fear … or the spirit of fear. “2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath

not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Fear is taught…I rest my case.


Fear Won’t Help Anything


Fear will not help any situation. If you were fearful after losing your job, did that fear help the matter? Nope, it did not. Fear only causes you to focus your attention on the problem you see in front of you. Fear only leads you further away from the solution.


Fear creates in your mind false evidence that appears real.

Think back to September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Do you remember the fear that was unleashed? How did you feel? What caused all the extreme fear?


The media…

Think about what you saw, images of the World Trade Center on fire and then collapsing as well as the images of the Pentagon burning. The news media continually bombarded us with the images of the planes hitting the towers over and over. Their commentary was feeding fear into people. The more and more people watched these images and heard the commentary their thinking triggered the idea that they should be scared. As they continued watching, the thinking became more developed in thinking fearful.

So overall what exactly did people really fear…? Death.


Somewhere growing up, someone taught them to fear dying. When they saw the images of death and destruction over and over again the fear taught to them in the past was rekindled.


Conquering Fear

As you sit there reading, you should now realize that fear is really something that is taught. Because it is something that is taught, that would suggest that you could be taught something different, something that is not fear based.


My daughter is learning addition and subtraction in school. When she first started learning she was taught to count on her fingers. After learning to count on her fingers the teacher then taught them how to handle the same math problem using what I think she calls a number board. The switch from the counting on her fingers thinking to the use of counting using the number board shifted her thinking to a new way to handle the same problem.


Likewise, as my daughter has done with her math, you can do the same with respect to your fear thinking. If you truly want to be free of fear then apply these practical steps in your daily life.

1. Make the decision that fear will not be in your life. It may be in other people but not yours. Making a simple decision to change will start the changing process.

2. Pay attention to what you watch, read and listen to regularly. Remember these things affect your thinking and will cause the fear that was taught to you to rise up. If you find that you are watching, reading or listening to fear based programming, don’t participate in it.


3. Reprogram your thinking by focusing on more positive things that will build you up.


4. Say the following affirmations 5 times per day.

1. I am not a fearful person.


2. God has not given me a spirit of fear.

5. If a fearful thought enters your mind, IMMEDIATELY say your affirmations. The thought may try to come back but you just say your affirmations out loud again. Before long the fearful thoughts you once had will be gone because you will have re-taught your thinking.

The New You


Let’s quickly examine things that you think you fear.


1. Write down the things you fear. (Starting a business, flying on airplanes, etc)

2. Write why you think you fear these things.

3. Write down an affirmation to free yourself from the things you wrote down that you fear. Example: If you wrote down that you feared starting a business, your affirmation may be something like this – I do not fear starting a business anymore, I can do it and am not afraid. You will say these affirmations as well as the 2 above in the conquering fear section.


Someone once said “If You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t – YOU ARE RIGHT.”

You Can!

You Can Make Money On Your Own! You Can Start Your Own Business! You Can, You Can, You Can!
In the next chapter I am going to help you develop a plan of action and show you how to create money.


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