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How To Make Money On Demand - Part 1 - Millionaires Money

How To Make Money On Demand – Part 1

Do you have a Plan B? We have decided to share with you something that we have only shared with our VIP Guests.  Over the next few weeks we will share with you the 7 steps to creating your own “Plan B.” You will learn “how to make money on demand” if you follow what we are going to share.


Chapter 1: So You’ve Been Let Go


Has this happened to you?


Its early Monday morning when you hear, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP ….


It’s the sound of your alarm clock going off to wake you for work. You get out of bed and get ready for work. When you arrive at work something seems different, but you can’t put your finger on it.


Over to your work area you go to prepare for the day’s tasks.


A few minutes after you begin to work, your boss walks over and asks you to come with him for a moment. You think nothing of it and follow him.


Your boss then tells you something like this…


“Due to cut backs in the company we are going to have to let you go. Your position is being cut.”


You pause, and then say…?


Focus your mind back on this…


You have worked for that company for years.


You were a good employee and did a great job at your work.


You were liked by your co-workers.


And the company has decided to let you go… to cut your position.


Why you…? Why…?


Why couldn’t they have at least given you the heads up so you could be looking for another job?


You have bills to pay. You have a family.


This is SO unfair to you.


You have made the company millions…


Have you experienced thoughts similar to what you’ve just read?


Unfortunately, thousands of people went through this type of scenario today. And yet tomorrow thousands more will experience it. Most people in our society never plan for such a situation like this and when it happens it is usually devastating to them and their families.
If this has happened to you there is hope. It may not always seem like it; but as you focus your mind on what you are about to read, a light will pop on in your mind and you will experience a new reality, a new way of thinking.


This book is going to help you get back on your feet, generating income after being let go from your job. Your being downsized could be one of the best things to ever happen to you. Right now, that may sound like a strange statement.


You may be saying “How is losing my job a good thing when now I don’t have income to pay the bills and live on?”

Stop and think back for a moment.


Think back to when you were working for the company and ask yourself ….


Could I come in when I wanted to?


Could I have as many breaks as I wanted?


Could I have all the off days I needed or wanted?


Did I make the wage that I felt I deserved for the job I did?


Did I feel in control or being controlled?


Did I feel stress and pressure to get things done?


Now let’s examine this… some things may apply to you and some may not, but you will get the picture.


For most people they had to be at work at a certain time (9 to 5 or 8 to 5).


They only had maybe one 15 minute break and one 30 minute or one hour lunch.


They could not get all the days off from work they wanted; or if they could, it was with no pay or they had to use up vacation days.


They did more and more work with no increase in wages or very little compared to the additional work load.


They felt like a puppet with no control. The company controlled what they could purchase, what they could do and how long they could do it to name a few things.


You may be saying “How did the company control these things?”


Here is an example:


They controlled what you could purchase, because of the wage they paid you. If you earned $50,000 a year, you could not afford a $1,000,000 home. Why, because the pay wage that the company paid you was not enough to handle the expense of a $1,000,000 home. If there was some exotic sports car you wanted to have; you could not afford it, because you didn’t earn enough money on your job to deal with the expense associated with the car.


Now if you fell into any of the situations I just spoke of, let me ask you this, how did you like it? How did you really feel about it?


I bet you did not really like certain things that happened, and that you did not feel good about certain things that went on.


After looking at a few things you probably faced working for the company, ask yourself this: “Was I really happy with working for that company?”


Let’s face it, the only reason you were there is for the money; money for the home, the car, the clothes, the bills, money for life’s necessities. Sure many people love their jobs, and desire to have various careers. However, most of the time people choose their careers based off of the money that career pays.


So, because we work for the money, did the company pay you what you feel you were worth on the job? Most often I hear people complaining about all the work they have to do on the job and how they feel their boss should give them a raise.


Remember, you got let go from your job so now someone else is more than likely going to have to do some of the tasks you once did. They will have to do these additional tasks and will probably see no increase in salary.


So how can you escape this situation, live better and enjoy life even more? How can you make money now that the job is not there for you?


The New World of Options You Have


I am sure you have heard that famous definition for insanity – “doing the same thing(s) you have always done, but expecting different results.”


Sure you have bills to pay and you need money to live on. Everyone faces this same situation, however, everyone does not handle the situation the same.


When I was in middle school I had a social studies teacher named Mr. Blackwell. He was not like any of my other teachers I had while in all my years of school. Mr. Blackwell would teach the class various sayings and he had the class doing positive affirmations daily. He would come into the classroom and hold one finger up. That was our signal to say the affirmation associated with him holding up the one finger.


I did not really understand what it was about when I was in his class, but as I grew older I realized that Mr. Blackwell was really trying to help us. He was trying to impart in us positive thinking about ourselves. He was trying to help shape our thinking.


Napoleon Hill, the author of “Think And Grow Rich” teaches in his book about positive thinking and how it can lead you to riches. Truly, I believe Napoleon Hill got the information in his book about positive thinking from the Bible. I say this because the Bible says in Proverbs 22:7, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” The Bible also speaks a lot on the subject of thinking. This is just my opinion – moving along.


How you think and feel about yourself will determine how high you will fly or how low you will go.
Yes, your thinking!


I have listened to many interviews people have given to wealthy businessmen, celebrities and well known successful people. One thing that I found was that these people believed they would make it some day. They believed they would be that successful business tycoon, that famous movie star or political figure.
Their thinking was only on their success. Their speaking was only on their success, because of their positive thinking. You only say what you believe – what’s inside you is what will come out of you. These people could also see themselves already having what they desired and it also came from their thinking. You can’t see it if you can’t think it first.


Their Thinking! It was the root to their success. We often only pay attention to the fruit – what they are doing now,
but what we couldn’t see is what they saw, what they thought.


Though these people failed many times along the way, their thinking never failed. Because their thinking never failed, they would not give up; they would keep working toward the picture in their minds that was produced by their thinking.


Yes, I am harping on this thinking thing but it is vital to your success in life.


How is your thinking?


Take a moment and pause from your reading. Think about what you think about most of the time.


Is what you are thinking, what you desire? Is what you are thinking positive?


Is what you are thinking what you are speaking?


Is what you are thinking what you are seeing in your mind’s eye?


Do that right now, pause from your reading, sit back, relax and think….






So what have you discovered about your thinking?


Let’s move on now…


What options do you have now for money?


Option 1. Welfare – you could apply for public assistance and do nothing with yourself. You could allow this setback to totally destroy your life.


Option 2. Find Another Job – this is important, but not the only other option. Many people run to do this because of how their thinking has been shaped.

Remember Mr. Blackwell and how he would shape my classmates’ thinking to things we knew nothing about. Your thinking has been shaped by someone.
Who has been shaping your thinking – husband, wife, family, friends, television, radio, who, who has been planting suggestions into your thinking?


Option 3. Keep reading this book – let it impart a new way of thinking in you that will cause you to have more money than you could have ever thought of before. It will help you develop your thinking to produce – out of the box thinking.


The New You


I am now going to share some things to help develop your thinking.


You may be wondering “what about money, money is what I need right now not exercises on thinking.”


If you want to move beyond where you are then your thinking will have to change. You think, I just need money right now… how can I make some money? You are running after the fruit instead of getting the root.


A man that wants to be a farmer and grow tomatoes does not want someone to just give him some tomatoes so he can call himself a farmer. That farmer wants the tomato seeds. Those seeds are valuable to him. He knows the seeds will produce the roots that will in turn produce the fruit (tomatoes).


As you are reading this book, it is like your seed. You will then take this seed, apply it and it will produce a root which will then produce the fruit.


The beauty of all of this is as long as you have a seed, you can produce a harvest of whatever you need.


Exercise 1 – Daily Reading One of the ways to help shape your thinking for success in life is reading. I recommend that you get a few books that will help develop and transform your thinking.


Here are a few you could start with:


1. The Bible – I don’t know what your religious beliefs are, however the Bible is packed with things that will help shape your thinking. I suggest you start with the book of Proverbs. Read 1 chapter per day. It has 31 chapters total.
2. Acres of Diamonds – by Russell H. Conwell The things you desire may be and probably are right under your nose.
3. Think & Grow Rich – by Napoleon Hill You want to be rich…or just live better? Your thinking is going to play a bigger role than you may be thinking right now.
4. Rich Dad Poor Dad – by Robert T. Kiyosaki & Sharon L. Lechter How was your thinking shaped, like the rich dad? Financial education that will help shape your thinking.
5. You, Inc – By Burke Hedges Why you must think – “You, Inc.”


Exercise 2 – Daily Positive Affirmation A child can believe something before they see it. However, adults most often can only believe things when they see them. Of course this is because of years of our thinking being shaped this way.


As you sit there reading these words right now, make the decision that you don’t have to always see something before you will believe it.


Say the following affirmations out loud every day 3 times each.


I love every aspect of myself.
I think positively of myself.
I present myself as a role model.
I love learning new things.
I am creative in all that I do.
Ideas come to my mind frequently for making money.
I say my ideas aloud and think about them.
I think positively.
I don’t focus on problems, I create solutions to them.


Norma Vincent Peale said “You are not what you think you are, but what you think – YOU ARE!”

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