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How To Make Money On Demand - Part 6 - Millionaires Money

How To Make Money On Demand – Part 6

By Extra Money Opportunities

Chapter 6: Success Is In YOUR Hands


Practical Steps For Progress


In the earlier chapters we have discussed many things, most of which centered around your thinking and how it affects every aspect of your life.


In this chapter you will discover how to put together a practical plan of action for some of the following things:


1. Goal Setting – this is over looked by many and may be the reason they are not succeeding.


2. Learn the simple steps for creating money like the rich.


3. How to add two months to your year.


Grab a pen or pencil because you will need to write some things directly in the book.


Mapping Out Your Course


Let’s face it, if you were going to go on a family vacation which was going to be a road trip, you would have a plan. You would have a map and have your course plotted out. You would have your accommodations in place before leaving. You would know the details of your trip before ever leaving home. You would not just get in the car and drive, having no idea where you are going and how you are going to get there.


Likewise, before you set out on this new adventure, you should know where you want to go and how you plan to get there before starting out.


Many people neglect to do the steps you are about to go through and usually fail to reach their desired end. I encourage you not to take this step for granted and not do it. Do it now as you go along reading.


Goals – What Are Yours


Write directly in this book. If you run out of space, then and only then should you get anot her sheet of paper. You may be asking, “why do you want me to write directly in the book and not on paper?” I want you to write in the book because you will then always know where your goals are. If you just write them on a sheet of paper, you stand a greater chance of losing that paper over losing this book. If you do need to use additional paper, fold the paper and put it in this book. If you ordered an ebook version of this book, then type your goals out and save them in a special folder on your computer.


Exactly Where Are You


Before you start writing your goals, let’s determine exactly where you are financially.

Your Debt: (write down how much you owe)


Monthly Payoff Amount


Car Payment:


(all – house,car,etc)


(electric, gas, etc)


Eating Out

(lunch, dinner, etc)


(movies, etc)



Credit Cards


Total Amount


Checking Account

Savings Account

Retirement Accounts



This is just a partial list of things. The whole point of this is for you to have an idea of where you are when it comes to your finances and have it written down.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is the one thing you want most out of life?

2. How much money would you like to be making in…?


One Year $_ _. 00


Two Years $ . 00


Five Years $_ . 00


Ten Years $ _. 00


3. What career experience do you have?


4. What would you like to achieve over the next…?


12 Months:


Two Years:


Five Years:


Ten Years:


5. What challenges may hinder you as you move forward to achieve the 12 month, 2, 5 and 10 year goals?


6. What things do you need to learn to achieve your 12 month, 2, 5 and 10 year goals and where can you learn them?


7. What resources might you need to achieve your 12 month, 2, 5 and 10 year goals? (partners, finances, etc.)


7. List 10 of your strengths:






















8. List 10 weaknesses you want to work on:






















The next question you will not write the answer in the book. Get a sheet of paper out and write down what you would do if you had $1,000,000.00 (one million dollars). We will assume this is one million after taxes.


Write out exactly what you believe you would do.


I am not saying you are going to be a millionaire or have a million dollars dropped into your lap. This is just something that you can do with any amount of money to have a plan or idea how you would handle the money. It can actually be a fun exercise.


Daily Exercise


1. Read your list of goals every day out loud.

2. Create a plan of action to get you moving in the direction of your goals.

3. Put your plan into ACTION!


Seeing Inside Is Believing


See yourself having achieved the goals. If you can see it, you can have it. If you can’t see it, more than likely you won’t see it come to past. Think about this, have you ever heard people say things like this, “I can’t see myself driving a car like that?” This is usually one of the more high priced cars.


Question: Did the person that made that statement ever drive that car?


On the other hand, have you ever known someone that was opposite of the first person? This person could see themselves driving that car.


Did they actually do it? More than likely they did or they will sometime in the future, because they can see it which means they believe it and think it.


Here is an example you will be able to relate to. Hopefully you have seen stories on celebrities before they were celebrities. In about all of the stories I have heard, these celebrities saw themselves and believed one day they would make it. Sure it did not happen over night and it took a lot of work. However, the point is they saw it inside before they realized it outside.


Create Money Like The Rich


How do the rich get rich? They are not anymore special than you. They are not necessarily smarter than you. So what is it, how are they able to amass such great wealth and seem to do it effortlessly?


The rich know how to create money. If you can’t create money, you can’t be wealthy. Ok sure, you could get a million dollar inheritance or win the lotto, but those things are not likely to happen for you.


For the next few minutes focus your attention on the simple yet powerful technique for creating money at will. If you apply this technique it “will” change your life forever.


Step 1 – Opportunity is All Around You For Making Money.


The opportunity to make money is all around us. Your ability to recognize and open your thinking to this will be the first step in creating money at will. Think for a moment about the various opportunities you may be aware of around you: Franchises, Home Based Business, MLM / Network Marketing, and so on. These are all great opportunities for increasing your money. However, these are not the things we are going to focus on right now.


Throughout this book I have been challenging you to think and improve your thinking. I want you to think about this book you are reading.


Ask yourself this, how many people made money for you to be able to read this book?


Let’s assume you purchased this book from the bookstore…


The bookstore made money…


The trucking company that delivered this book along with all the other books to the bookstore made



The book distributors and wholesalers made money…


The printers that produced the book made money…


The company that supplied the paper for the book printing made money…


The company that supplied the ink to do the printing of the book made money… The company that built the printing presses to print books made money and so on…

Perhaps you purchased the book online as an ebook, it is no different. I’ll show you just some of the people that made money.


The company that is hosting the website made money…


The web design company that designed the website made money…


The company that processed the credit card or check transaction made money… The affiliates that promote the ebook made money…


The company that produced the software to create the ebook made money and so on…


You should get the point by now. For every product and service, many people and companies make money as a result of that product or service.


Do you now see how the opportunity to make money is all around you? What if you were the web designer that designed the website for this book or maybe you provided the website host ing – Cha Ching! You would have been a part of the process for this book to come about.


You may be thinking, “I could not have been part of the process of any of the examples you just gave. I don’t have the knowledge or money to do that kind of stuff.”


I understand if that is what you may have thought; however, by the end of all of this, that will not be an issue.


Just focus on what you are reading and don’t allow your mind to wonder off.


Daily Exercise


Do this exercise daily for a few minutes to help open your thinking to opportunities all around you. Start right now! Select an item around you and try to see how many people got paid just for that product to be produced.


This might seem strange to you but do it anyway. If you were in a room with Donald Trump or Bill Gates, they would see an array of opportunity that you would not see. The only reason that would be is because their thinking works differently from yours. As you apply this exercise daily, your thinking will open to a new level. You will recognize money everywhere.


Step 2 – Ask And Ye Shall Receive


Ask and ye shall receive… I am sure that you have heard the phrase before. It comes right out of the Bible, John 16:24”…ask, and ye shall receive…” Play close attention as you read this step. It holds the root for what you will need to create money at will.


For every question you could possibly ever think of, there is an answer. Right now you may want to make more money or may want to even lose weight or stop smoking but you don’t know how. The answer to your question is available and ready to make itself known, but only if you ask, and only if you ask the right question.


Anthony Robbins:

“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”


Brian Tracy:

“A major stimulant to creative thinking is focused questions. There is something about a well -worded question that often penetrates to the heart of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights .”


Anthony Jay:

“The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a very creative mind to spot wrong questions.”


S. Tobin Webster:

“To find the exact answer, one must first ask the exact question.”


Bill Gates the richest man in the world asked this question,

“How can I provide the intelligence that will run all computers?” Guess what, the answer ended up being to create an operating system which he licensed to IBM and the rest is history. Bill Gates constructed a question, the right question, and now his operating system runs the majority of computers in the worl d.


You too must learn to ask the “right” questions. The questions should be positive and specific. Here is an example of the wrong question. Let’s say you need a new car and need money for a down payment.


Bad Question: “How am I going to get the down payment money for a car?”


This question is not specific and actually could seem negative. Here is how you would construct the right question.


Good Question: “What is the best way for me to get $2,500 for the down payment on the Toyota Truck by the first week of July?”


Now that question focuses right in on what you need, what you need it for and when you need it. That question will open your mind to give you the answer that you need.


Once you have constructed your focused question, you need to ask the question to yourself many times. You may ask yourself the question 30 times throughout the day. Just keep asking the question over and over. One day, maybe the same day, the answer will come flooding into your mind and you will be amazed and excited.


Daily Exercise


This exercise is simple. Create your first question. Create a money question. Start off asking questions to get small results and build from there. Don’t start off with a question like: “What do I need to do to generate one million dollars within the next two years” because you have not practiced it to generate $50 yet and successfully achieved that.


Next, be sure to ask the question over and over to yourself in your mind and out loud. The answer will come. It may come in a few minutes, hours, days, maybe even a week or two but don’t you stop asking the question until the answer comes to you.


Asking the RIGHT questions really does get results. Before I started writing this chapter I shared with a relative of mine this information you are reading about. He was amazed at the simplicity of it and put it into practice. A few days after creating his question and asking it over and over he got an answer to a 2 year old challenge that he could not solve. He was trying to figure out the purpose of a funct ion on his cell phone for over 2 years. He read the owner’s manual with no success; it did not even have anything in the manual about the function. He even called the phone manufacturer and they could not help him which was shocking. So he decided to construct a simple question and asked it over and over for a couple days on and off. Then one night when he was messing with the phone the answer popped in his head and he tried it. IT WORKED! The 2 year old challenge was over!


You can do this also for anything, not just money. My relative did it just to find out an answer about his cell phone.


Do it, do it now, create your first question now!


Step 3 – Write The Vision Down


Remember in the chapter “The Lost Ideas” how I was telling you about my father-in-law and the idea that he forgot because he never wrote it down? When you get an answer to your question, write it down! By the way, you may get more than one answer to your question depending on what the question was; so be aware of that and write all the answers down that come to your mind.


The Bible even teaches this, Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV) “…Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.”


This step is simple and straight forward, enough said.


Daily Exercise


1. Get a special note book; we’ll call it “Your Answer Log.”

2. Write down your question or questions in the log, and as you get answers to the questions write them in the log.


Step 4 – Faith Without Works Is Dead


You’ve created the questions…


You’ve asked the questions over and over….


You’ve gotten answers that have come to your mind and wrote them down…


So what do you do next…? Do the answer. When my relative got the answer to the question about his cell phone he had to take action and do it. When you have gotten the answers to your questions you must do them, because they are not going to do themselves.


Take your list of answers and decide what can I do now, what can I do the easiest and do it.


Action is everything! I can not stress this enough. Many people never take the first step. I know this is not you; you are a person of action, a go-getter not a procrastinator.


You may have this question at some point, “what if an answer comes to my mind and I write it down but do not have a clue on how to do it.” It’s simple, construct and ask a question concerning how to do it, or the best way to do it. Remember for any question there is an answer.


This book you are reading came as a result of an idea. I was once downsized from a little job I had. Not a high paying job, but never the less a job. I remember how I felt and it really wasn’t that good. One day I was watching the financial news and the unemployment figures had come out. I don’t remember the exact numbers but it was a super high number in the hundreds of thousands. These were the numbers for the newest number of people out of work. I thought to myself “Wow, that is a lot of people out of work. How can I help them solve this, how can I provide the solution.” I did not even realize at the time that I asked the question. However, I got the answer and you are reading right now the answer I got.


Daily Exercise


1. Review your answer log.

2. See if there is anything you have written down that you can implement now.

3. Put the plan of action together and do it.


How To Add Two More Months Into Your Year


Wouldn’t it be great if you could add two additional months to your year to help you have time to achieve some of your goals? I can imagine now that you are saying, “impossible.” It’s not impossible at all.


Focus your eyes on this plan: If you set your alarm clock to wake you up just one hour earlier, six days a week, you would gain an extra 6 hours per week that you could use to…brainstorm ideas, implement plans, learn some additional skills, etc.


If you commit to doing this 52 weeks a year, you will have added 312 productive hours to your life. Imagine that change and improvement you would see. You can do this if you really desire to have a better life.


You may be saying, “I can’t get up early in the morning.”


I have a question: if your boss had you coming to work an hour earlier, that would mean you would get up an hour earlier. If you can do that for someone else’s benefit, why can’t you do it for yourself.


Remember, excuses are a stepping stone to failure. You can make money or you can make excuses, but you can’t do both.


Those 312 hours that you set for improvement is equivalent to almost 2 months of 40 hour work weeks to your year.


You now can’t say, “I don’t have time.” I have just shown you where some time is. If you want to achieve more, you are going to have to do more.


Daily Exercise


1. Determine if you are going to get up an hour earlier or stay up an hour later six days a week.


2. Commit to the plan starting today.


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